A r c h i t e c t u r e  and  D e s i g n

Paolo Bandini Architect

Genova (GE)

Phone. 010 868 4978

Mail.  archipaolobandini@gmail.com
P.IVA  03370650107

PB Architect ©2023  

Conservative restoration of a building 

Location: Savona (SV)

Client: Dr. Pierfederico Lava

Job: Conservative restoration of a bonded commercial property

Date: 2018

Amount of works: € 100,001 - € 250,000

Project: Executive and final design and construction supervision 

Collaborators: Eng. Marco Visconti, Arch. Carlo Marino

Contractor: /

Opera category (table z-1): E22


At the beginning of the 2000s, the aforementioned buildings were subjected to several collapses of the floors of the floors above, which compromised the stability of the vault covering the rooms on the ground floor. We have acted in a cautious and prudent manner by carrying out cores by hand and ascertaining the effective use of carbon fibers. To check for any movement of the vault, slides were inserted along the existing cracks and then the props were loosened. Following this, a reinforcement of the vaults was applied by means of an intradossal plating with a diffused network of natural basalt fiber and stainless steel and EN 998 certified geo-mortar based on pure natural hydraulic lime NHL 3.5. The reinforcement system spread over the entire extradosal cap with basalt fiber mesh and AISI 304 stainless steel, with a special alkali-resistant protective treatment with water-based solvent-free resin, Basalt Fiber Reinforced Mortar, was carried out taking care to arrange the net evenly over the entire surface. The application of the reinforcing mesh consists of: making a first coat of GEOCALCE FINO, ensuring a sufficient amount of material (average thickness 3 - 5 mm) on the support to regularize it and to lay and incorporate the reinforcement fabric. Subsequently, on the still-fresh matrix, the biaxial mesh in basalt fiber and AISI 304 stainless steel, with a special alkali-resistant protective treatment with solvent-free water-based resin, GEOSTEEL GRID 400, was applied, guaranteeing the perfect incorporation of the mesh in the layer of the matrix, exerting vigorous pressure with the spatula and making sure that the same mortar comes out of the mesh to ensure excellent adhesion between the first and second layer of the matrix. The application was concluded with the final protective smoothing (average thickness 2 - 5 mm) always made with GEOCALCE FINO, in order to completely incorporate the reinforcement and close any underlying gaps. To ensure better effectiveness of the reinforcement system, connection systems were created using the GEOSTEEL G600 / G1200 / G2000 fabric. (the technical data sheet of the material used is attached: Kerakoll, The Green Building Company). The tint, once the restoration work on the vault was carried out, turned out to be white, as it was originally. Furthermore, some internal works were carried out in the room that has access from Via Archivolto Savonese 6R such as:


- Demolition of the existing staircase and closure of the cut on the floor where the spiral staircase is currently housed;

- Construction of a retractable staircase and consequent cut on the floor in order to make the mezzanine floor accessible.

- Removal of the metal steps currently present that connect the rooms that have access from Via Sansoni and Via Archivolto Savonese respectively;

- The portal that gives access to the premises from Via Archivolto Savonese will be restored. The floors of both buildings have been completely replaced. All existing windows will be replaced with new wooden windows.

